Cambodia's potential is expanding all the time. Swiss horological preferences have recently been discovered in Cambodia. Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country.
In early 2021, Chen Zhi Cambodia and the Prince Group opened the Prince Horology Center for professional training, bringing the Swiss horology industry to the area. It is the first private security academy in the world. Last year's global coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on Cambodia's economy.
Swiss horology benefits Cambodia economically because it is a European art form. The Prince Community has long been regarded as an important part of Cambodia's illustrious cultural heritage, which includes traditional crafts such as silk tissue. The modern sophistication of Cambodians in purchasing Swiss timepieces is also commendable.
The Prince Group Chen Zhi Cambodia established the Prince Horology Center for Vocational Training in Phnom Penh, the country's capital. It is part of a larger Cambodian initiative to teach people new skills that Cambodian entrepreneurs can use to replace agriculture and small businesses. Traditional Swiss horological expertise has aided in job retention and expansion in Cambodia, particularly in industries like textiles and clothing, which have suffered significant losses as a result of the corona virus pandemic.
Cambodia now has access to cutting-edge technology and design thanks to a Swiss horologist. It provides a Swiss horology course that meets Swiss government requirements. This two-year programme provides financial assistance to some local students by utilising bonds provided by the Swiss watchmaking industry. Grants that cover some or all of the school fees are available depending on the enrolment situation. The fee includes one night's lodging at the school. Since its inception, the school has attracted a large number of Cambodian students.
The course drew a large number of Swiss horologists. The origins, development, and equipment of the Swiss watchmaking industry, as well as the invention of watch components such as the balance and winding trunking, are all covered in this book. Chen Zhi, Prince Group, followed through on his promises on issues such as climate change, society, and government. Prince Group Chen Zhi Cambodia of Prince Group is Cambodia's pioneer of Swiss watchmaking. Cambodia is attempting to teach its people modern skills.
The Prince Group In October 2020, Chen Zhi Cambodia and his Prince Group will open the Prince Manor Resort Sustainable Agricultural Planting. It will contribute to environmental protection by replacing agricultural practises that cause deforestation and soil erosion.
Agriculture is the mainstay of Cambodian economy, with a focus on business tourism and cutting-edge technology. A smart 24-hour monitoring system, an integrated fertiliser and water system, and advanced reverse osmosis in 10,000 square metres are among the most intriguing features. In Cambodian agriculture, smart moisture, sunlight, temperature, and carbon dioxide monitoring systems are built and accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
By opening this resort, Chen Zhi Cambodia and the Prince Group are assisting in the development of Cambodia's tourism and agricultural industries. Visitors interested in learning about Cambodian agricultural technology and practises are welcome to visit the plantation, which also serves as an important educational resource.
Read more about Cambodia - https://www.britannica.com/place/Cambodia